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Description: Hay tantas partes pequeñas de la vida de una madre que pueden parecer normales, pero no hay nada de común en el papel de "madre". Esto conectará con todas las madres y las fortalecerá para que se mantengan fuertes. Texto de una publicación de blog de Lisa-Jo Baker que cree que la maternidad debe venir con su propia capa de superhéroe y blogs sobre ella en
English Translation: There are so many small parts to a Mother’s life that it can seem ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about the role of “Mother.” This will connect with and empower every mom to remain strong. Text from a blog post by Lisa-Jo Baker who believes motherhood should come with its own super hero cape and blogs about it at Also available in English: "Mighty".
English Translation: There are so many small parts to a Mother’s life that it can seem ordinary, but there is nothing ordinary about the role of “Mother.” This will connect with and empower every mom to remain strong. Text from a blog post by Lisa-Jo Baker who believes motherhood should come with its own super hero cape and blogs about it at Also available in English: "Mighty".
Journey Box Media
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