This brief, uplifting resurrection starter references the multitude of angels absent from the crucifixion and the two sent to announce that Jesus was absent from his tomb.
The Story of God’s love, embodied and seen in the Person of Jesus, is indeed the greatest Story ever told. But what is that Story, and what are we being invited into?
What are you afraid of? What is holding you back? Jesus has taken your sin at the cross and conquered death. Christ is risen! Death is no longer the end!
When the crowd heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, they took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Las invitaciones que más importan provienen de personas que invierten en nuestras vidas. Use invitaciones para alentar a su iglesia a invitar a alguien que le importe a la iglesia.
The invitations that matter the most come from people who are invested in our lives. Use Invitations to encourage your church to invite someone they care about to church.
“Son of Man” is a wordless film that connects scenes of Christ's life, death and resurrection in order to immerse the viewer in the beauty and single-mindedness of Christ’s work on earth.
Whether last year was a good or bad one, what if we refused to let it define us?! When we place our trust in God, endless possibilities await for the new year.
La Verdadera Víspera De La Navidad muestra cómo la mayoría de nosotros puede relacionarse con la anticipación de un niño en la noche antes de Navidad, entusiasmado con los regalos de la mañana siguiente. En esta mini película, relacionamos ese mismo sentido de anticipación de maravillosos dones con las emociones que María debe haber sentido la noche antes de que naciera Jesús. El mundo entero esperaba el regalo de Su llegada, y de repente, Él estaba aquí. Perfecto para cualquier servicio de Navidad, especialmente Nochebuena