Great video, If you close your eyes and listen to the video you don't see color or race you see the love for mothers. God doesn't look at the color of our skin he looks at the intent of our hearts.
Grace Community Church
Brian VanderBerg
Grace Community Church
I thought the video was very good. However as been stated there is no diversity. It never cease to amaze me that when diversity is brought up particularly in the church we are making a big deal. What do you with - Rev 5:9 "for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred...". For those that thought race was irrelevant to the video, it would be safe to say that if all the mothers were either African-American, Asian, Latino and none Caucasian it would be okay.
Colin Miller
Christ Saving Grace Church
I'm not even jumping into the ethnic diversity discussion on this one, but I do have a couple other comments. First, I love the video. I also agree that adoptive mothers should not be singled out because they truly are just "mothers" -- Mothers who work, mothers who stay at home, etc. They are real mothers in every sense. My only beef on this is a technical issue: The video itself feels anti-climactic because the music just trails off. I would prefer ending music that has finality.
Cheryl Stewart
Hope Community Church
The message of this video is very excellent BUT this video does not have diversity at all. Floodgate really needs to look into putting people of all races into their videos. We will NOT purchase this video or any other videos until they become more diverse and target people from all kinds of backgrounds.
James Spann
Living Water Worship Center
While I don't fully agree w/ Osie, our congregation is a very rapidly growing diverse congregation, ethnically, economically, and demographically. I REALLY enjoyed the content of this video but I know that using it would alienate a significant portion of our people. Not asking for every race to be represented, but even a LITTLE bit of a mix would make the video have that much more appeal. Not convinced God is colorblind: He did create the variances, didn't he? Let's celebrate it!
Jeff Daigle
Covenant Church