I was very impressed with the simplicity of the video. Not every video is going to cover every ethnic background or situation. Like another comment said, if you don't like it, don't use it. Make your own video that fits your culture. When you make comments that mention race and color, you keep seperating people and keep color issues alive where they need to be dead. Maybe the makers of the film didn't have access to every single race. That's a bit ridicules. God is colorblind isn't He?
William Cravatta
Akron Free Methodist Church

Guess FG couldn't fit one African-American in the budget. For the Pastors & Worship Leaders who say color shouldn't matter, have you chosen to use video with an all African-American cast lately? Your insensitive statements prove again, racism & segregation still exist with a Christ-almost-like flavor thrown in for measure. Guess what? It's disappointing & hurts. I pray the goal now as Christian consumers as a collective we assure all markets are served in excellence. Angela Music/Worship Arts
Angela Hill Goudy
Love and Unity Chuch

Thankyou so much! I have been searching for a video that doesn't alienate those who aren't mothers, who find mothers day the most difficult Sunday of the year. This video is absolutely fantastic!
Bronwyn Bonnell
Calvary Life Assemblies

Wow! I was looking for a video and feel like I just walked into a church war on carpet color. It is a great video and it is what it is. Interestingly, if our constituents whined and criticized like this, we'd probably dismiss their comments as being just plain carnal.
David Blackburn
NEXT Church

Thank you. This video speaks to all kinds of mothers.
Alvesa Moctezuma
Northside Baptist Church

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