From how to fix anything with duct tape to all the different ways you can poke your eye out, it seems like dads know everything. Use Dads Know to wish all the dads a Happy Father's Day!
The Real Night Before Christmas, shows how most of us can relate to a child's anticipation on the night before Christmas, excited about the next morning's gifts.
Life is full of highs and lows. Use this fun message starter as an intro to a message about peaks and valleys, the ups and downs of both physical and spiritual lives.
Las invitaciones que más importan provienen de personas que invierten en nuestras vidas. Use invitaciones para alentar a su iglesia a invitar a alguien que le importe a la iglesia.
The invitations that matter the most come from people who are invested in our lives. Use Invitations to encourage your church to invite someone they care about to church.
Use humor to help your people invite their friends, family, and coworkers to your Easter services. And please please please - don't be like this guy. Invite someone to church this Easter.
Use humor with this non-seasonal version of our Easter Invite mini-movie. And please please please - don't be like this guy. Invite someone to your church.
The reality of the Resurrection hasn't changed in 2,000 years. This mini movie demonstrates that the significance and impact of the gospel are the same today as they were back then.