Celebrating the birth of Jesus is more then a time for gift exchanges and parties. It is the fulfillment of the long awaited promise of an eternal covenant.
Christmas trees, Christmas lights, and Christmas cookies… it’s easy to get carried away with the spirit of the season. But is this really what Christmas is all about? Maybe this year we can have some Christmas spirit… the right way.
To many, being blessed looks like having wealth, power, and influence. Jesus had a radically different view of what being well-off and being blessed really looks like.
When we're in church, it's easy to get distracted by the good things, and miss the Best. Help remind your congregation that worship is all about Jesus.
Most people wake up every morning stressed, worried, or bored. But every morning, God is giving us a gift. The gift is today. What will you do with it?
A Prayer to Guide Us is a great mini movie from Centerline New Media to emphasize seeking comfort through prayer. Based on the Prayer of St. Francis, this mini-movie reminds us of the importance of seeking to comfort rather than to be comforted, to understand than to be understood, and to love than to be loved.
The Sanctity of Life, more specifically the sanctity of life from conception to birth is a difficult and tragic subject today. This video is a collection of thoughts and challenging quotes from important individuals known and unknown that grapple with the subject.