A dynamic worship starter featuring adjectives of God. Perfect as a high energy lead-in to worship. For matching motions see "Holofoil". Also available in Spanish.
Be Still And Know
Floodgate Productions
When we feel like our world is falling apart, God gently reminds us to be still, and know that He is God. As we walk through this chaotic season, offer people this brief moment of refocus.
Give Thanks To The Lord
Centerline New Media
Give thanks to Lord for He is good, His love endures forever. Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise. This worship intro is based on Psalm 100 and is perfect for your Fall and Thanksgiving services and events.
Inspire hope and faith in your church congregation with this nature-themed mini-movie. It features oceans, waves and shorelines that symbolize the washing away of our sins through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
He Is - A Father's Day Opener
Floodgate Productions
Launch your services on Father’s Day weekend with this upbeat Service Opener, and inspire your people to engage with God as their heavenly Father.
A prayer and observation on the importance of communion and the sacraments.
A service starter based on Psalm 103. For matching motions see "Kingdom". Also available in Spanish.
Thanks For Everything, Dads
Centerline New Media
For everything you’ve done, for loving us through every season, and for reflecting God in our lives. We could never thank you enough. Happy Father’s Day! A fun and heartwarming way to show gratitude to all the amazing dads out there.
A great online service opener, this video declares that the church was never closed as it was never a building, but a people.
An upbeat, energetic worship intro listing many of the names and attributes of God.
Kingdom Vol 2 Opener
Dan Stevers
A service starter based on Psalm 104. For matching motions see "Kingdom V2". Also available in Spanish.
Memorial Day Thanks
Centerline New Media
This Memorial Day, may we remember those in our military who gave their lives in service to our country. We ask God to give comfort to those who have felt the pain of this loss, and we pray for peace for every nation.
Graduates Seek God
Centerline New Media
Congratulations graduates! One milestone behind you, so many more ahead. Use this mini-movie to inspire graduates to seek God in all their future decisions. Featuring exciting visuals and upbeat music, perfect for Graduation Sunday. (Based on Proverbs 3)
This Is America: We Remember
Floodgate Productions
Memorial Day is embedded into our yearly calendars so Americans can inhale freedom, while we exhale gratitude. Honor the fallen as you gather during a weekend that will never stop influencing our lives.
Honoring Our Fallen Heroes
Hyper Pixels Media
This Memorial Day, let us pause to remember the amazing courage, honor, and sacrifice given for us by so many soldiers. Soldiers who gave their very lives, so we can be free. These brave men and women paid the ultimate price for our safety, freedom, and future. On the weekend before Memorial Day, use this powerful video to remember and honor their great sacrifice.