Open your Thanksgiving Services with an offering of praise to the Lord. Begin your worship by pointing your church toward our Creator and Savior. All of God’s works are great, so take this opportunity to offer thanksgiving to the Lord, for He is good and His faithful love endures forever. This worship intro will work perfect at the beginning of your Thanksgiving service or at the start of your message on thanksgiving.
It’s the moment the world shifted on its axis. The very moment that Jesus, the Savior of the world was born. Mary and Joseph were in awe as they were approached by angels, telling them the impossible. That they would bear a son and that he would be the answer to salvation.
Many people mistakenly compartmentalize their lives. In the first box, they place their work life. In the second box their hobbies and time off (keeping it to themselves). And, in the third box is their relationship with God. But, God is to be the Lord of our life (not just parts of it). God cares about our work, and he also cares about our rest. This mini-movie, which is perfect for Labor Day Weekend, teaches us to work well, rest well, and worship always. Use this sermon video for Labor Day or during a sermon series about rest, work, or the Sabbath.
One of the greatest things about God’s promises of new mercies and new songs is how we can fulfill those promises for others. This fun mini-movie is energetic and perfect for getting your community excited about the New Year.
Un relato artesanal de la historia de Navidad. Úselo como pieza independiente o como fondo para una canción navideña o elemento especial de servicio de Navidad.
Follow the hand-drawn lines through the classic elements of the Christmas story projected large over a starry night sky. Use our music track ("Silent Night" by Future of Forestry) or turn down the volume and play live music over the visuals.
The gifts we give and receive at Christmas are reminders that God has given us the greatest Christmas gift we will ever receive. Click here for the Spanish Version
Lord prepare our hearts, as we enter this season of Lent. A prayer asking God to help us reflect on our lives, repent for wrong choices, and replace the things that come between us and our relationship with Him.
Después de Su resurrección, Jesús les dio a los discípulos la Gran Comisión. Les aseguró su poder, les prometió su presencia sin fin, y los instó a aceptar el llamado para ir al mundo y hacer nuevos discípulos. Basado en Mateo 28: 18-20, esta mini película es genial para el domingo después de Pascua.
After His resurrection, Jesus gave the disciples the Great Commission. He assured them of His power, promised them His unending presence, and urged them to accept the call to go into the world and make new disciples. Based on Matthew 28:18-20, this mini-movie is great for the Sunday after Easter.