Using dramatic images of a lava flow, the text of Psalm 139 urges the viewer to contemplate the brevity of life and our responsibility to our holy God.
This Christmas will be different, but the reality of Immanuel can mean something far greater as a result. God is not distant or far away. He is with us.
Join with the angels’ song. Proclaim the newborn king. Let everyone know the good news: Jesus Christ is born! Based on a familiar Christmas song and Luke 2:10-12.
"What name could contain such a glory?" Created in partnership with Pixel Preacher. A captivating message for Christmas Eve services. Also available in Spanish.
This year has been difficult. We are all tired, beaten, and some completely broken. We mourn with those who mourn and celebrate with those who celebrate. The beautiful thing about the Gospel is that no matter your current state, Jesus welcomes us home.
A veteran’s sacrifice is just as powerful now during these stressful times as it’s ever been. Because of their courage, our veterans inspire us to be brave. Though their service, they empower us to serve and worship freely. This Veterans Day, show your gratitude for their service and inspire your congregation with this powerful and timeless Veterans Day mini movie
In the beginning was the word, the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. With inspiring music and vibrant visuals, this movie is based on John 1:1-5.