En Aguas Profundas
Dan Stevers
A service opener about finding peace in the storm. For matching motion backgrounds see "Oceans". Also available in English.
A service starter based on Psalm 103. For matching motions see "Kingdom". Also available in English.
Bendicion En La Tormenta
Dan Stevers
Use this video to close out your next streamed or pre-recorded service to create a quiet, prayerful space. Also available in English.
Church Online Opener Spanish
Dan Stevers
An element from the “Church Online Streaming Package”, a collection of video assets for live streaming and pre-recorded church services. Includes a countdown, opener, closer, and stills.
A service starter based on Psalm 95 featuring aerials of the Scottish highlands. Created in partnership with Stephen Proctor of CONSTRVCT Visuals. For a matching motion backgrounds see "Highlands". Also available in "English".
The parable of the prodigal son is a portrait of the extravagant love of God. Use this video as a segue into an Easter sermon centered around the parable of the prodigal son to show God's extravagant love for us seen through Jesus' death and resurrection. For matching motion backgrounds see "Nomad".
A service starter based on Psalm 104. For matching motions see "Kingdom V2". Also available in English.
¿Qué nombre puede contener tanta gloria? Created in partnership with Pixel Preacher. A captivating message for Christmas Eve services. Also available in English.
Caracteristicas De Jesus
Dan Stevers
A dynamic worship starter featuring adjectives of God. Perfect as a high energy lead-in to worship. For matching motions see "Holofoil". Also available in English.
La Celda
Steelehouse Media Group
Esta es la prisión que construiste ladrillo por ladrillo. Bienvenidos a tu casa. La Celda es un video de mucho poder sobre nuestra adicción al pecado.
La Quinta Copa
Hyper Pixels Media
Time and again the Bible speaks of a cup of wrath which will be poured out against sinners.
A high energy service starter based on Proverbs 3:3-6.
La Vida Con Dios
Hyper Pixels Media
La ultima cosa que Jesus vino a hacer fue iniciar otra religion. El vino a mostrarnos como la vida es en el reino de Dios. En la cruz Jesus nos ofrece este mismo tipo de vida - una vida vivida en relacion con Dios. Este video nos ilustra la invitacion que Dios nos ha dado.
Un Salmo De Amor
Centerline New Media
En cuanto al cielo está sobre la tierra, esa es la grandeza del amor de Dios. Una introducción a la adoración basada en el Salmo 103. ¡Ideal para los servicios de San Valentín o amorosos!
Salmo 23, luces y sonido. (NVI)
*Includes alternate version with Reina Valera translation
*Includes alternate version with Reina Valera translation