It’s the inevitable topic that we all must face at some point. These
days, this topic needs to be address sooner than later, especially in
the younger generation. The idea of love and sex has gone from bad
to worse in a very short period of time. God’s original plan has
become diluted and skewed so much that many of us don’t know
what’s right and what’s wrong.
Created specifically for churches that are starting to meet onsite again post- quarantine, this Opener will both welcome and prepare your people for the transformational moments God desires.
Even though the method has changed during COVID-19, the message of these three words has not. Use this upbeat Opener mini-movie to help focus people who are tuning in remotely.
We behold Your power and glory and praise You with one voice. Use this upbeat and colorful service starter as an introduction to worship. Based on Psalm 63.
Your gathered communities are filled with people who are distracted, hopeful, tired, restless, and in pain. Many are carrying the weight of the world. And in that setting, the opportunity is ripe for an invitation to turn toward the face of Jesus. Put words to their story with this worship starter.
2020 was tough. What can we expect from 2021? Use this mini-movie to encourage your congregation that no matter what the new year brings, God is still in control, and His promises are still true. Great for your New Year’s service or event. Based on Hebrews 10:23 and Hebrews 13:8.
What a year 2020 was… but this is our prayer for the new year! “New Opportunities, New Beginnings” is a visual aid that highlights focusing on eternal things in 2021 as we share the Love of God, as we walk in faith, as we share His Hope with those around us!
At Christmas we celebrate the greatest gift of all time. Emmanuel, God with us. Born in a manger. Fully human, but also fully God. The Word made flesh.
It’s the perfect time to respond with gratitude to our God who is always faithful and good. Use this Thanksgiving mini-movie to refocus your people on God.
Use this powerful Worship Intro as an opener to this year’s Thanksgiving Services. With powerful music and images, this video will inspire your congregation with thankfulness to the Lord in the midst of a pandemic. He is our great King, perfect and holy, worthy of praise and thanksgiving. He is our amazing creator who never leaves us, covering us with His grace. Let us make His name known and sing His praise. Let us praise the Lord with Thanksgiving.
A dynamic worship starter featuring adjectives of God. Perfect as a high energy lead-in to worship. For matching motions see "Holofoil". Also available in Spanish.
This Christmas will be different, but the reality of Immanuel can mean something far greater as a result. God is not distant or far away. He is with us.