“Son of Man” is a wordless film that connects scenes of Christ's life, death and resurrection in order to immerse the viewer in the beauty and single-mindedness of Christ’s work on earth.
With powerful music and images, this Easter mini-movie will provide an emotional introduction to your Easter worship service or Easter sermon celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Why have we gathered to praise Him? What makes our God so great? This brief call-to-worship mini movie provides answers to those questions from Psalm 146, making it a great lead-in to a time of praise and worship.
How churches worship may vary from one congregation to the next, but Who we worship is our great unifier. The Word declares that we worship the Lord in spirit and in truth...
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A modern musical and visual take on the traditional hymn of praise.
In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
That Night Part 2 emphasizes that on this night, as well, only those who have heard and believed in Jesus will truly understand the peace of Christ this Christmas. Who will we tell?