Join with the angels’ song. Proclaim the newborn king. Let everyone know the good news: Jesus Christ is born! Based on a familiar Christmas song and Luke 2:10-12.
"What name could contain such a glory?" Created in partnership with Pixel Preacher. A captivating message for Christmas Eve services. Also available in Spanish.
You make the leaves to fall and the sun to rise. Like the trees we will shed the old, and like the sun we will be raised anew. We are made righteous and holy by Your hand. We are made new. A colorful and upbeat worship intro based on Ephesians 4:22-24.
In the beginning was the word, the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. With inspiring music and vibrant visuals, this movie is based on John 1:1-5.
It’s the perfect time to respond with gratitude to our God who is always faithful and good. Use this Thanksgiving mini-movie to refocus your people on God.
Use this powerful Worship Intro as an opener to this year’s Thanksgiving Services. With powerful music and images, this video will inspire your congregation with thankfulness to the Lord in the midst of a pandemic. He is our great King, perfect and holy, worthy of praise and thanksgiving. He is our amazing creator who never leaves us, covering us with His grace. Let us make His name known and sing His praise. Let us praise the Lord with Thanksgiving.
A dynamic worship starter featuring adjectives of God. Perfect as a high energy lead-in to worship. For matching motions see "Holofoil". Also available in Spanish.
At Christmas we celebrate the greatest gift of all time. Emmanuel, God with us. Born in a manger. Fully human, but also fully God. The Word made flesh.
Praise the Father of mercies, the God of compassion. Who brings healing from our suffering, and salvation in our troubles. Based on 2 Corinthians 1:3-10.