He is the one who thunders through the heavens yet whispers to our hearts. Who reigns victorious yet bows to serve the broken. He is God in the fury, God in the silence. He is Jesus. Also available in English.
Mary's Song (Magnify Christmas Version)
Centerline New Media
After being visited by the angel Gabriel, and told she would conceive Jesus, Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth and speaks this song of praise to God. This mini-movie works great as an introduction to worship during the Christmas season. Based on Luke 1:30-32,46-55.
A worship opener based on Psalm 145. For matching motions see Fractured Light.
Fractured Light Opener
Dan Stevers
A worship opener based on Psalm 145. For matching motions see Fractured Light.
Response Time
Floodgate Productions
A lifestyle of worship calls believers to respond to all that God is, and all that He's
done. Help prepare your congregation to respond to the one true God.
One of the greatest things about God’s promises of new mercies and new songs is how we can fulfill those promises for others! An updated version of one of our best-selling videos, this fun and energetic worship opener is a great choice for the Back-to-School season.
Invite your congregation into a time of worship with this opening bumper. Featuring a beautiful drone footage beautiful and clear nature with inspirational words animating into the foreground.
Celestial Glass Opener
Dan Stevers
A service opener based on the "Celestial Glass" motion pack designed to create a moment of rest at the start of a service that transitions into a time of worship.
A service opener based on the "Celestial Glass" motion pack designed to create a moment of rest at the start of a service that transitions into a time of worship.
A Prayer For Lent
Centerline New Media
A prayer to God to strengthen and renew our spirits through prayer, fasting, service and confession, as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. Great for Ash Wednesday or any service during Lent.
A service starter about praising God in the face of present circumstances. For matching motion backgrounds see "Verdant".
Lent With Christ In The Desert
Hyper Pixels Media
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent thru the passage found in Matthew 4:1-11, where Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. As we follow Jesus in the wilderness, we learn profound truths about ourselves. We learn that we must give up what we want to focus on what we need. We learn that it is in yielding our rights and desires that we discover God's will and plan. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.
Our Turn (After Easter)
Centerline New Media
Jesus is alive! His promises are fulfilled, and the story is complete! Right? Actually, it's not. Easter was just the beginning, and now it's our turn. Great for the Sunday after Easter.
A service starter featuring Psalm 121. For matching motion backgrounds see "Pigment"
A service starter featuring Psalm 121. For matching motion backgrounds see "Pigment".