A service starter based on 1 Corinthians 13. For matching motion backgrounds see "Flower Power". Also available in English. Includes generic version without Mother's Day text at the end.
Use this mini-movie to tell all the amazing moms “Thank you” this Mother’s Day. With beautiful imagery and inspiring music, this mini-movie is a great way to start your Mother’s Day worship service.
This mini-movie reflects on the season of Lent through theme of dust; from dust we came and to dust we shall return. Gritty and smoky textures mixed with vivid lenten purple elements make this mini-movie visually pleasing for any church setting. Use this mini-movie during the season of Lent to prepare the hearts of God's people to honor Jesus' death and celebrate His resurrection.
The Lord declares, “Return to me, with all your heart.” Based on Joel 2:12-17, this mini-movie is great for your Lent and Ash Wednesday services, or any sermons on the topics of renewal and repentance.
With vibrant visuals and inspiring music, this mini-movie is based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any love-themed service or event.
It was Friday Afternoon and Jesus is Dead. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... the Hope of mankind overcome by powers of hell... by the shadow of a grave. But, instead of killing the Messiah, the cross has become a canvas for salvation. The hole that was meant to serve as an instrument of shame and death was instead filled with an instrument to bring healing and new life.
This Christmas will be different, but the reality of Immanuel can mean something far greater as a result. God is not distant or far away. He is with us.
Join with the angels’ song. Proclaim the newborn king. Let everyone know the good news: Jesus Christ is born! Based on a familiar Christmas song and Luke 2:10-12.
"What name could contain such a glory?" Created in partnership with Pixel Preacher. A captivating message for Christmas Eve services. Also available in Spanish.