You’ve sacrificed and endured. You have protected our lives by putting yours on the line. To all the men and women who have earned the title Veteran, we thank you. Use this inspiring mini-movie for Veterans Day to honor all those who have served.
The arrival of Jesus was a divine and perfect moment that changed the world forever. For
thousands of years, the world waited for a prophesied answer to hope, love and salvation. God,
in His perfect timing, orchestrated the arrival of Jesus just when the world needed it. Let's
celebrate this Christmas, the beautiful and perfect coming of our answer to brokenness and
hope for salvation.
We are thankful for our blessings, so let us be a blessing to others. This upbeat and inspiring Thanksgiving service starter features Fall inspired imagery and colors, and closes with Psalm 7:17.
My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Use this upbeat and colorful mini-movie as an introduction to worship. Based on Luke 1:46-55.
In whom have you placed your hope? This brief worship starter focuses on resting in God's grace because of Christ's death for our sin and our new life in Him. Use this simple, yet powerful, mini movie to set the perfect tone for your service or message.
He took our pain. He bore our suffering. His punishment brought us peace. Using scripture from Isaiah 53, this mini-movie is perfect for any Good Friday service.