Though my enemies are many You will protect me. You are my deliverer. Based on Psalm 3, this mini-movie is set to colorful, modern visuals and energetic music, making this a perfect intro for a time of worship.
The biggest question we can answer in the pro-life vs pro-choice debate is, "What is the origin of life?" Psalm 119:73 states, "Your hands have made and fashioned me." God plans and creates every human life in His likeness. Every life is sacred because God is the Author of life.
Independence Day is the perfect time to lift our nation in prayer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 commands God's people to humble themselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from their sin. God's promise, when these things happen, is that He will heal our land. Healing, unity, hope, and revival can only come to America through His power!
We have all been there. The weather gets warmer, school comes to a close, vacations
get planned, and church takes a back seat. It is easy for us to coast through the
summer and ignore our relationship with God. We convince ourselves that we will pick
up where we left off when summer comes to a close. This can be detrimental to our
spiritual lives. How can we leave our summer break with a stronger relationship with
God than we had before the break started?
Have you ever felt let down by love? Hearts get broken, as promises are broken. But, God always keeps His promises. He sees you, hears you, and loves you. And, God calls us to love as He loves. How can we love when we might get hurt? We love each other because He loved us first. Use this mini-movie at your next Valentine's Banquet. It would also make a great introduction to a message on the topic of love for Valentine's Day.
This dark and moody intro features the many names of Jesus on display with a simple white cross. Perfect to begin your weekly services or introduce the message for the day.
Most of us could quote Paul’s “love chapter”, or 1 Corinthians 13, off the top of our heads. But how many of us consistently live out those definitions of love in the everyday, mundane moments of life? This relatable video is the perfect challenge for Valentine’s Day or sermons about love.
Almighty God, work in us and through us. This year. Every year. Forever. Use this mini-movie as a call to worship or service starter for any New Year’s themed church service, event, or celebration.
The new year is a time to look back and a time to look ahead. A time to thank God for His blessings and a time to consider what we need to change. Many resolve to exercise more, eat healthier, or read the Bible more. We just need to try harder, right? But, God says to seek Him first. He teaches us that His grace is sufficient. With upbeat music, and 3D graphics, this New Year's video will encourage your church to do their best, and trust God to do the rest.
Immanuel - God with us. That name is not only a name but a reality that lives and
breathes in us today and every day. And it really can change everything in us, through us.
At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest miracle of all. The miracle of God coming to us as a tiny baby, yet a King. Immanuel, God with us, yet an infant. The one who spoke everything into existence laid in a lowly manger. This powerful video uses a stirring rendition of Carol of the Bells and 3d animations to tell the Christmas story. The Good News that is for all people, that the Messiah has come. He is Savior of the world.
How often do we consider the implications of what we believe about the very first Christmas? God’s original Christmas gift to us was immeasurably more than anything we could ever imagine. When you really stop to think about it, no miracle we seek is beyond hope.