Be The New (Year)
Journey Box Media
One of the greatest things about God’s promises of new mercies and new songs is how we can fulfill those promises for others. This fun mini-movie is energetic and perfect for getting your community excited about the New Year.
Thanksgiving Opener
Centerline New Media
We are thankful for our blessings, so let us be a blessing to others. This upbeat and inspiring Thanksgiving service starter features Fall inspired imagery and colors, and closes with Psalm 7:17.
My soul magnifies the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my savior. Use this upbeat and colorful mini-movie as an introduction to worship. Based on Luke 1:46-55.
In whom have you placed your hope? This brief worship starter focuses on resting in God's grace because of Christ's death for our sin and our new life in Him. Use this simple, yet powerful, mini movie to set the perfect tone for your service or message.
Strong Women
Journey Box Media
The women in our lives have long reflected the heart of God in both quiet and tangible ways. With this collection of candid stories about a mother’s influence, celebrate the strength and love of these women as your community honors them this Mother’s Day.
Mom, you are not alone. He is near. He hears you. He sees You. He loves you.
Natividad En Papel
Dan Stevers
Un relato artesanal de la historia de Navidad. Úselo como pieza independiente o como fondo para una canción navideña o elemento especial de servicio de Navidad.
Follow the hand-drawn lines through the classic elements of the Christmas story projected large over a starry night sky. Use our music track ("Silent Night" by Future of Forestry) or turn down the volume and play live music over the visuals.
We Salute Our Veterans
Hyper Pixels Media
Are you grateful for your freedom? Then, today and always, we should thank our veterans. For Veterans Day, use this video to honor these brave men and women for their service and sacrifice. They put their very lives on the line to keep us safe. They left loves ones and shed blood so that we could live free. We owe each of them such great appreciation. Set aside a time during your worship service to let the veterans in your church know how thankful you are for their service.
Hosanna, We Welcome You!
Centerline New Media
Use this mini-movie as an energetic and upbeat introduction to your time of worship on Palm Sunday.
Lent (A Prayer)
Centerline New Media
Lord prepare our hearts, as we enter this season of Lent. A prayer asking God to help us reflect on our lives, repent for wrong choices, and replace the things that come between us and our relationship with Him.
The Paper Nativity: Director's Cut
Dan Stevers
Created entirely out of paper and filmed live, this beautiful telling of the Christmas story is perfect as a standalone video or as background for a Christmas song or special service element. This new Director's Cut features a brand new musical soundtrack and narration to help engage a younger audience as well as those unfamilar with the Christmas story. Click here for the Spanish Version
The Hope Of Freedom
Centerline New Media
Creation is longing for the fullness of God. Waiting eagerly for everything to be made new. When we will live in freedom unlike any we’ve known. Based on Romans 8:18-25
This brief, stylized mini movie retells the events of Pentecost, emphasizing God's revelation of Himself to the world and the birth of the church.
Prayers For Moms
Shift Worship
This simple Mother's Day mini movie will lead your congregation in giving thanks to the Father for our moms and asking him to bless them in several specific ways.