Welcome Back Bumper
Pixel Preacher
While we’ve been social distancing for the past several months, churches will soon be open to the public again. This sermon opener is a quirky take on current events. It is humorous and light. You can use this opener to begin your services and remind everyone of how unique it has been. Set the tone for the service, but more importantly, recall everyone on the benefit of being the Church.
The Heavens Declare
Floodgate Productions
Use this Worship Opener, created with text directly from Psalm 19, to inspire your people to join with all of creation in declaring the glory of God.
You make the leaves to fall and the sun to rise. Like the trees we will shed the old, and like the sun we will be raised anew. We are made righteous and holy by Your hand. We are made new. A colorful and upbeat worship intro based on Ephesians 4:22-24.
Worst-Case Scenario
Journey Box Media
Controlled by fear and worry, our minds often race to the worst-case scenario in any circumstance. However, God wants us to trust Him with our tomorrows, and realize that He is faithful to walk with us through whatever may come.
Cheerful Giver
Hyper Pixels Media
Money, tithing, and stewardship can be challenging topics to address with your congregation. However, this uplifting video makes it easy to share Biblical principles about giving, showing that God has a plan to bless us and others when we are faithful to follow His commands.
More Than A Label
Journey Box Media
We have a natural tendency to label and categorize everything in our lives, including the people around us. But those labels can divide us within the Kingdom, instead of unifying us. More than a Label reminds us to reject the labels so that we can see God in each other.
An invitation for visitors and seekers alike. Our door is open. God's door is open. Take a step in and... Belong.
Perfect for Valentine’s Day or any service on marriage and relationships.
Just Like You Said
Shift Worship
This Easter-themed mini movie reflects on the fact that Jesus' death and resurrection happened just as he predicted ...
Our King (Palm Sunday)
Centerline New Media
On Palm Sunday we celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ; the day the great crowd gathered in Jerusalem to welcome their king.
“Son of Man” is a wordless film that connects scenes of Christ's life, death and resurrection in order to immerse the viewer in the beauty and single-mindedness of Christ’s work on earth.
Famous Last Words Of Christ
Life Scribe Media
Easter mini movie with a powerful message taken from the words of Jesus, our risen Savior, leading up to His ascension into heaven.
The Son Rose
Hyper Pixels Media
With powerful music and images, this Easter mini-movie will provide an emotional introduction to your Easter worship service or Easter sermon celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
His Finest Hour
Steelehouse Media Group
Even in our darkest moments, Christ is working on our behalf. For the disciples, Good Friday and Easter Saturday was their darkest moment.