In Matthew 6, Jesus taught us to pray in this way. This video can be used to begin your service, to kick off your time of worship, or as an introduction to your message.
That Night Part 2 emphasizes that on this night, as well, only those who have heard and believed in Jesus will truly understand the peace of Christ this Christmas. Who will we tell?
With moving music and contemporary graphics, this Christmas mini-movie will create an atmosphere of worship at the beginning of your Christmas or Christmas Eve Service.
Even in our darkest times, when it seems like God is silent, He is still working for our good. For out of the darkness of that silent night, Hope was born!
With Autumn themed visuals, this prayer offers thanks to God for life and breath, family and friends, the beauty and mystery of creation, and ultimately His Son Jesus Christ.
Based on Colossians 3:1-4, Psalm 27:13, and Psalm 123:1, this worship starter will encourage your congregation to lift their eyes from the worthless distractions of the world to worship the One who keeps our real lives with Him.
La presencia de Jesús es constante y disponible, pero tiene que ser buscada. Esto fue verdad para los pastores y los tres Reyes Magos y hoy es verdad para nosotros.